8 Cara Cara Membuat Perusahaan Inovatif

Diposting oleh Lee wang on Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Inovasi adalah sumber keunggulan kompetitif dalam industri. Ada beberapa contoh perusahaan yang mendasarkan seluruh strategi mereka dalam model ini. Pada artikel ini kita akan melihat cara membuat perusahaan yang inovatif di Meksiko dan dunia.
Perusahaan Inovatif
Inovasi merupakan cara baru dalam melakukan sesuatu, berpikir, bertindak atau rencana, dalam kegiatan perusahaan atau organisasi. Beberapa tips tentang cara membuat perusahaan yang inovatif adalah:

1. Memahami perbedaan antara inovasi dan memecahkan

Banyak perusahaan berpikir bahwa inovasi melibatkan misalnya, mengatur jalur produksi yang kurang jelas. Ini bukan inovasi, tetapi untuk memperbaiki masalah yang ada.

Untuk memulai perusahaan yang inovatif, Anda akan melihat cara-cara baru dalam melakukan sesuatu.

Misalnya, ketika memulai sebuah bisnis dalam kasus yang sama dari rantai produksi, Anda mungkin memutuskan untuk tidak memperbaiki, tapi benar-benar mengubah rantai menjadi model operasi outsourcing.
Como crear una empresa innovadora

2. Jadilah visioner

Aspek lain dari inovasi, adalah visi untuk masa depan bisnis (tren bisnis baru).

Dengan mengembangkan perusahaan yang inovatif harus menyatakan bagaimana Anda mengharapkan untuk melihat bisnis Anda dalam 10 sampai 20 tahun. Perubahan apa yang akan ada saat itu, kita bisa maju?

Sebagai contoh, perusahaan seperti Ford adalah yang pertama untuk membuat mobil yang setiap orang bisa membeli, termasuk karyawan, sebagai sebuah tindakan irasional ketika berpose di awal.

3. Menggabungkan perubahan sekitar

Satu hal yang tetap konstan di dunia adalah perubahan. Perusahaan yang inovatif harus menerima kenyataan ini dan berubah karena dunia tidak.

Contohnya adalah perusahaan Verbatim. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan terkuat di produksi disket (cara untuk menyimpan informasi seperti USB dari 90's-2000)

Namun, dengan awal tahun 2001, menciptakan cara baru untuk memindahkan informasi, seperti CD dan USBs. Perubahan ini terpaksa Verbatim benar-benar mengubah struktur, dan berubah menjadi kelompok produk baru

4. Menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk berinovasi

Sebuah sumber inovasi untuk menciptakan bisnis yang inovatif adalah teknologi informasi.

Ini melibatkan penggunaan peralatan baru, perangkat lunak dan database, untuk mengubah cara kita melakukan bisnis.

Sebagai contoh, perusahaan seperti BestBuy, adalah pelopor dalam mengubah penjualan bisnis Anda hanya di toko-toko, penjualan melalui internet, menciptakan pasar baru dari konsumen online.

5. inovasi pelanggan

Masalah untuk memulai perusahaan yang inovatif, adalah kurangnya pengetahuan pelanggan, apa ide bisnis, bisnis apa adalah semua tentang, apa yang menjual, atau bagaimana untuk membeli.

Contohnya adalah cara Anda memasarkan roti Anda. Anda harus memutuskan jenis roti, bahan, saus, dll, Dan. Banyak orang dari pembentukan (dan karena itu pembelian), untuk melihat itu terlalu rumit.

Oleh karena itu perlu untuk menjelaskan dengan jelas inovasi yang menawarkan kepada pelanggan, dan membuat Anda merasa nyaman untuk membeli.

6. Salin dapat menjadi inovatif

Kesalahpahaman usaha inovatif, adalah bahwa berarti melakukan sesuatu yang sama sekali baru di dunia.

Sebagai contoh, jika saya kebetulan menjual hewan peliharaan dengan rambut mereka dicat warna yang Anda inginkan!

Maksud saya adalah, adalah inovasi menyalin layak, diterapkan untuk bisnis saya. Sebagai contoh, perusahaan seperti kopi Italiani, disalin model diri, dari McDonalds. Ingat, ketika Anda memulai sebuah perusahaan yang inovatif menggunakan untuk menyalin yang terbaik dari orang lain.

7. Inovasi adalah untuk seluruh organisasi

Konsep lain yang disalahpahami inovasi, adalah bahwa hanya staf atau manajemen senior, adalah mereka yang harus memimpin inovasi.

Dengan mengembangkan organisasi, inovatif keseluruhan, dalam kapasitas apa pun, harus berpartisipasi dalam proses kreatif.

Sebagai contoh, salah satu produk yang besar dari perusahaan 3M posting. Produk ini diciptakan oleh administrator, atau gagasan seorang manajer, tetapi oleh seorang ilmuwan yang bekerja pada pelaksanaan perekat sementara.

8. Usaha kecil juga berinovasi

Mitos lain tentang pengusaha adalah bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan besar hanya bisa mengembangkan inovasi.

Hal ini tidak hanya berlaku untuk perusahaan-perusahaan tetapi usaha mikro dan kecil dapat mengembangkan perusahaan yang inovatif.

Contoh diisi dengan perusahaan tinta. Versi kompetitif untuk menghindari membeli kartrid asli mahal untuk printer Anda. Jenis bisnis terutama mikro, dan berhasil dengan menawarkan layanan inovatif
More about8 Cara Cara Membuat Perusahaan Inovatif

It is not necessary to bomb the consumer. Experiential Marketing is the key

Diposting oleh Lee wang

Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand. Confucius, Chinese philosopher, 551 to 479 B.C.

When Confucius generated this appointment, he never imagined that his words serve as the cover of numerous inquiries from those seeking to claim the title of Experiential Marketers. They all aspire to convince the market with tools that are far removed from traditional marketing and mass advertising.Marketing invasiveSome people continue to bombard the consumer with marketing tools born Traditional thinking and ideas are radical new media very quickly without changing the basis of the relationship with the consumer. All marketing and advertising tricks are characterized by prevailing impersonality that in no respect the wishes of the consumer: do not generate their emotional connection tactics and strategies have no respect for the audience they addressSuch campaigns fail rather than molded into a reactionary force consumers wary and even negative with respect to actions designed from the experiential framework. The lack of consumer becomes an absolute contempt for invasive marketing. The battle is raised and marketers believe that if consumers are skeptical of our posts and erect ever higher barriers, then it takes much more extreme efforts to tear them down.Experiential MarketingExperiential marketing is a discipline focused on the consumer. The "XMers - Consumers of XM" (Experiential Marketing consumers) seek marketing campaigns based on the conversation, the dynamics of dialogue one-on-one, no matter if it is made with millions of consumers. It is a discipline of personal voices, is a methodology based on human interaction, even if the same interaction is repeated hundreds, thousands and millions of times. Do not invade the consumer, must increase their experience with the brand or the message that accompanies the product.Marketing experience does not provide an inherent benefit to the consumer - physical, emotional, instinctive or mentally - does not imply Experiential Marketing, more noise is just annoying and unwanted advertising. Companies can not engage in non-beneficial experiences, not listening and not analyze your communication alienate people a little more. Marketing should be an experience I will base that provides more than just a market reach, a marketing message or offer transactional sales.Vs. traditional marketing. Experiential MarketingThe traditional marketing and advertising is limited to say something to consumers in a way street - a monologue - which aims to reach the largest audience, regardless of their real needs both rational and emotional. They seek to engage consumers, attract and add to the brand or product / service offered in a particular situation of use, only remembered by the consumer and truly understand the mind and heart what is being offered.This can be seen in the marketing of cars: they create millions of ads in newspapers, magazines, outdoor, radio or television to tell us about a particular model. Seller and buyer are related to the sales floor, allowing a test drive the car or displayed beyond the two-dimensional visual cues of print advertising and television. Experience in the showroom or on the test drive are not entirely experiential, this involvement does not become compromised. Just think of all Show Rooms that are mounted on the coast during the holiday season with slim and beautiful promoters that no sound and only affect the sense of sight with feelings far from the emotional attachment to the brand or model that is exhibiting. The consumer does not even remember the brand of product you are buying.Confucius in the XXI centuryWho will ever know it was Confucius - and not individuals like Phil Knight of Nike and Starbucks' Howard Schultz - the first Experiential Marketer? The Confucian approach has resonated and expanded in a sublime way of business. This new Experiential Marketing speaks of the fact involved, and their subsequent transformation into commitment to carry out brand experiences and products. We see how the concept applies to the example of the automotive industry to read that "in a Service Economy, lack of differentiation in the minds of customers that the products generated experience the constant pressure on prices indelibly associated with undifferentiated products . As a result, more and more customers buy products based solely on price and availability. "Consumers will choose and respond to marketing campaigns aimed at them the same way we choose brands, services and products from the shelves. If marketing sense and benefit shows will then step between the marketing landscape full of unwanted advertising and believed that being deaf is a good business model to generate profits in the long run, is far from reality that we must begin to think that you can achieve the sales target today, but the important thing is to continue making money tomorrow.
More aboutIt is not necessary to bomb the consumer. Experiential Marketing is the key

The typical article marketing "do's and don'ts for advertising your business or website"

Diposting oleh Lee wang

Article marketing is not really a genius. If you like writing and love putting words together and are aware of the principles of spelling and use of sentence structure, then you might be much closer to becoming excellent in this type of promotion. Some things of course to avoid also known as "doing" as well as the things you want to focus on article marketing, also known as "doing"As a result of browsing a few other items as well as their loved past, you may discover a lot of do not that are essential to the success of your Internet marketing. The more knowledge you grow to be the marketing, of course, the more you learn exactly what to avoid and what to do.Let's start with a series of "don'ts"* Never start the draft with the phrase "The following article is about gardening" (or whatever it happens to be). It always starts with one problem at a reflection or bold statement. The concept would be to call your audience and make them want to know more about what they have published.* Never make your article too long. The shorter tend to be more potent with less chance of losing your reader in your article.* Do not turn your article in a product of great sales message. Stay away from this process will not improve results. Your readers are searching for information is true or just what I could do this for me? They are not looking text ad promoted to the next level.* Never put too keywords and phrases in the articles. Search engines are not interested in it.* Do not confuse your readers from one sentence and not answered or not the identification of resolution in the article.And now, to make the* Discuss the ideas you have experience or have experience in. When you have experience with a certain topic, which always shows in her writing* Do proofread your article, and then check again, checking spelling and grammar errors before posting it online.* Always include a professional bio box with your article. I try to help make the reader more interested in what they offer.* Regularly write articles and submit them to directories and websites. You should not be left alone to submit to a handful. That will have many suggestions for you to benefit from it.* Pay attention to the statistics of your article. What you doing most of the traffic. It should promote specific articles or present in some way.There you have it, some simple do's and don'ts of article marketing. If marketing does not work correctly, then you are wasting your time. You can write the best pieces in the world, however, if not represented correctly, or do not follow the basic tips above, you are also wasting your time. Why not do it the right way to start?
More aboutThe typical article marketing "do's and don'ts for advertising your business or website"

Great Secrets of business competitiveness

Diposting oleh Lee wang on Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

How to have a business competitiveness foolproof attack competition, and on the way to be the leader in your industry?
To be a leader you need to use our business intelligence, innovate, reinvent and evolve every day with the actions we carry out within the Company.
Have you noticed how many people believe that business that puts business growth will come alone and Customers come like bees to honey, and the bat will butt Sales?
That is precisely the concept of "Competitiveness" is a term denoting Action,'s take to work and use the wisdom and business intelligence to detect areas of opportunity that our business needs for all days were fed with enthusiasm and energy to, at least, achieve sustained in the taste of its customers.
When competing for a place in the market, almost always wins the battle is the hardest working but working smarter, who gets to work his intellect and displayed as a Business Strategy game, and that movements performed with skill and cunning of a master.
But how does one have this expertise to be a better competitor in the market?
First you must locate the level in which you compete, that is, as the boxers fight based on their weight, there flyweight, featherweight until the full weight, do not try to compete on a level where you belong if you do it in a very high level, business will eat more power easily, or if you do it at a level below yours, will never develop your potential.
Having said that I give to know 3 essential tools, based on my business experience, I have determined to play an elemental role in order to become a leader in your field of business action.

Handling of classified information
Interact directly with those who are experts in your field, people who are specialists perform what you always have the freshest information on what is happening in your market, both locally and nationally or globally.
Usually the people that you provide supplies or raw materials that can give you inside information that will help you move your strategy and make the right moves to always stay one step ahead of your competitors.
They can offer information about the increases in input prices, changes in consumer behavior of people and many other trends that you can apply in your market.
Of course you also you have to have your own stats so that you get coupled to externally take business competitiveness measures appropriate to your business.
Approach with your Customer
Try to always have a good relationship with your clients, a direct approach, cordial and comradely will cause people to whom you sell, do you know their tastes, preferences and even give you ideas to innovate your products or services.
This becomes like gold that having the direct input from your customers you can innovate your product with the certainty of doing so based on the tastes of those you buy, you can even conduct surveys to find out what their likes and dislikes of your products or services.
Improve what you're doing well and what you do wrong eradicates
No doubt you know and know the strengths you have your business, knowing the strengths with which accounts should not be reason to be satisfied but on the contrary, if something works is to get more juice so that it is becoming more productive;
Whether you have a product or service that is very popular and that also is brisk, you should take the opportunity you have with him to improve or you generate more profits.
Instead you should make regular checkups to prevent and eradicate the things you're doing wrong or not you are producing, discard all those negative things that make your business a burden that I have not let him walk on wheels.

Put to work, that that is what business competitiveness, work smart and let your business is always the one who takes the lead.
Leave your comments and let us know your questions and concerns, tell us your experiences and shortcomings so that together we can resolve them.
More aboutGreat Secrets of business competitiveness

Hackers Target the Unemployed as Money Mules

Diposting oleh Lee wang on Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Christine Palmer thought his luck had finally changed. After spending months unemployed and living on Social Security in February sent a CV to CS Office Services, a company that helps businesses realize other offices. A human resources employee called to say that the job was hers: a flexible job that paid for the project and that was to help process transactions. On 3 March, after weeks of online training, got up and found that he had deposited $ 98,000 into your Bank of America. In an e told her to withdraw $ 9 000, send it to Ukraine via Western Union and transfer the remaining funds to a bank account in Ukrainian bank. Palmer could keep $ 1,800 of the total. While I was finishing up the transfer, a man called Eastern European accent who identified himself as the manager and asked him to hurry. "It sounded very worried and thought I would lose my job," says Palmer.
It was only a few days after Palmer realized that CS Office Services does not exist and that the "manager" was probably a member of a Ukrainian criminal organization. He realized this when on March 7, received a call from Bank of America in which he said they had arrested the international transfer because the funds were stolen. They told Palmer that he was responsible for paying the $ 9 billion that was withdrawn and sent.
Organized crime, common in Eastern Europe and Russia, has created one of the most lucrative cyber world defraud online banking networks in the amount of up to U.S. $ one billion a year. These organizations use computer viruses to steal online banking passwords (usually small companies that have less security systems) and then transferred large sums to accounts they control. However, there is a problem. Taking money out of countries is difficult because banks carefully monitor international transfers.
But the solution is in the U.S.. Overseas criminals have engaged recently to hire Americans and Palmer to make bank mule, that is, to make transfers and send the money to the criminals. This is a serious crime, so the foreign gangsters make use of various tricks to convince the mules that they are working for a real business. "We can not blame these people," said Avivah Litan, vice president of Gartner Research. "If you're desperate and it appears that ... it is a job." Mules are not prosecuted if found to have been deceived. On the other hand, criminals are generally outside the jurisdiction of U.S. authorities. "It's the modern version of Bonnie and Clyed" said Chris Swecker, former FBI assistant director.
More aboutHackers Target the Unemployed as Money Mules

The Brazilian manner

Diposting oleh Lee wang

He promised a "great transformation", but judging by his first days in office, Ollanta Humala not associated with a break with free market policies that have made Peru the fastest growing economy in South America. His cabinet is center-left moderate, and has said several times that the change you wish to benefit 30% of Peruvians living in poverty, will be gradual.

These are positive signs for the financial markets and companies, who feared that the former military officer and an admirer of Hugo Chavez leftist policies would impose. By contrast, Brazil seems to be emulating a moderate social democracy. But what will succeed? Humala has announced a series of social programs copied from Brazil, as a basic pension of $ 90 a month for older adults, a child care program in the state, college scholarships for the poor and a significant increase in the minimum wage for next year (36%).

Humala's speech has changed. He no longer speaks to prohibit the export of natural gas, but to give priority to the local market. While talking about income taxes from mining, the minister speaks to respect existing tax agreements. Old has retracted comments about abolishing the limit on years of government.
More aboutThe Brazilian manner

Tips for getting the job

Diposting oleh Lee wang

Tips for getting the job

If you want to leave the unemployment situation to improve in your careers. Given the current crisis, looking for a job cause greater difficulties. Here are some guidelines for you to start from now on:

- Flexibility: It is important to expand the range of positions that we want to select. Our diversity is greater, the greater the chance of finding a job. And if you're unemployed, do not refuse the job but their professional qualifications is higher than under it.
- Decide which company you are interested and send spontaneous applications to them. This action, along with the response to a job, improve your chances.

- Write the perfect resume. Of course, avoiding spelling mistakes or lack of order and cleanliness in the presentation. Try not to get too long. Two pages is sufficient.

- Use social networks and introduce you to professionals and contacts with companies and others in your same situation. Inform friends and acquaintances of your job search to be a source of information for you about possible opportunities.

- Get ahead of the interview, anticipate possible questions and answers. Once you get to the interview, keep your looks, and good control of your speech and your nonverbal communication. Gestures and attitudes are as important as knowledge in a job interview. Do not be afraid to ask questions about aspects of the job you want to explain. Prove your worth, but do not fall into complacency

And above all, do not give up. A door is not opened at  the first, does not mean that it will never open.

More aboutTips for getting the job

Making progress at work

Diposting oleh Lee wang

making progress
Many people get stuck at work, are usually conformists or people who do not have sufficient skills to ascend. Failure to progress in your job is also receiving the same salary for a long time, so it is important to advance and improve yourself professionally. Take note of these tips and leads a more satisfying work life.

Always shown interest in learning and improving what you do, never think that because you do everything perfect, maintain a proactive approach to incorporate new knowledge, sure in time your superiors valued.

Remember that relationships are important to make you stand out. Demonstrate your willingness to help sow, help with everything needed to run the business well, leave aside the falsehoods and hypocrisy. Be alert to opportunities and position yourself in a place where you know you can succeed.

Avoid complaining, find solutions to problems, always performed productive work to add value to the company. Set yourself clear goals, be sure and get more productive and efficient. Also, put into practice your creativity to create new possibilities that might be interesting.

Demonstrates commitment to your work, they require dedication and punctuality obligations, if you prove your worth, inspiring confidence in the future you can delegate important tasks. Assume difficult projects, do not be afraid of challenges and trust your abilities.
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