Flat encourages the olive sector to work towards greater differentiation and concentration of supply

Diposting oleh Lee wang on Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Planas anima al sector olivarero a trabajar para lograr una mayor diferenciación y la concentración de la oferta 
In addition, the Minister participated in the closing of a conference on 'Current market situation of olive oil', organized by the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers Jaén (UPA) and the Association of Industries of Olive Oil and Table Olive (ANIA) on the occasion of the celebration of this event.During his speech, the Minister has addressed some of the factors that characterize the current market for olive oil, among which are "high production compared to consumption, a highly fragmented production sector, clearly weaker position than to packers and retail. ""This is compounded by the lack of liquidity of firms in general and weak demand, which is causing a drop in prices," he realized. In this situation, "is very important that cooperatives and other companies join forces to market their products jointly selling bottled oil and generating value for its partners," he underlined. And for that, he added, "is crucial to have qualified professionals who are able to connect with customers and establishing relationships and long term."In this regard, the Minister has insisted that private storage, which has already been activated twice this year, which begins today from a third activation, "is not the solution when there are price drops, although may be part of it. " In this respect, considered essential that "the sector having about market mechanisms for managing agile and efficient to maintain some price stability."Another of the issues raised at the close of this conference has been the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its impact on the olive sector. "We all know what is at stake the olive in the future CAP, therefore, from the Ministry going to work on this new term with the industry to argue that maintaining the level of aid and that there is effective regulation of the markets we serve to avoid situations of low prices as we are living in today. "

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