Flat encourages the olive sector to work towards greater differentiation and concentration of supply

Diposting oleh Lee wang on Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Planas anima al sector olivarero a trabajar para lograr una mayor diferenciación y la concentración de la oferta 
In addition, the Minister participated in the closing of a conference on 'Current market situation of olive oil', organized by the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers Jaén (UPA) and the Association of Industries of Olive Oil and Table Olive (ANIA) on the occasion of the celebration of this event.During his speech, the Minister has addressed some of the factors that characterize the current market for olive oil, among which are "high production compared to consumption, a highly fragmented production sector, clearly weaker position than to packers and retail. ""This is compounded by the lack of liquidity of firms in general and weak demand, which is causing a drop in prices," he realized. In this situation, "is very important that cooperatives and other companies join forces to market their products jointly selling bottled oil and generating value for its partners," he underlined. And for that, he added, "is crucial to have qualified professionals who are able to connect with customers and establishing relationships and long term."In this regard, the Minister has insisted that private storage, which has already been activated twice this year, which begins today from a third activation, "is not the solution when there are price drops, although may be part of it. " In this respect, considered essential that "the sector having about market mechanisms for managing agile and efficient to maintain some price stability."Another of the issues raised at the close of this conference has been the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its impact on the olive sector. "We all know what is at stake the olive in the future CAP, therefore, from the Ministry going to work on this new term with the industry to argue that maintaining the level of aid and that there is effective regulation of the markets we serve to avoid situations of low prices as we are living in today. "
More aboutFlat encourages the olive sector to work towards greater differentiation and concentration of supply

Facebook Fraud: Commuity managers, watch your promotions!

Diposting oleh Lee wang

You'd better start by saying this is a Post-Report to the practitioners of trickery. The art of fraud in the offers and competitions especially in applications such as Facebook by Easypromos.
They have created a series of Facebook groups, offering votes in exchange or cash, is selling votes, or simply the exchange between them, namely those pages where users or Trolls, ask others like them votes to win prizes.
The votes are contests as "bait" for these types of predators and bounty that the overnight, appearing on the walls of promotions with 200 votes at once. Faced with this kind of abuse, many businesses are unprotected or because their application is a Easypromos normal, or because they have either tied the legal basis for your contest. In addition to err on the unsuspecting.
The best thing you can do is to review several times before the contest:

Specifying in detail, that the winner should be above all a fan of our brand. Specifying that the winner will either be by lot or that of among the most votes, the winner will leave the final vote on the contestants.
These 2 are very simple steps that allow us to remove at a stroke to users or 'anti-fans who resort to such practices as shown in the following pictures.
More aboutFacebook Fraud: Commuity managers, watch your promotions!

The importance of Google PageRank: A Guide for Small Business Executives

Diposting oleh Lee wang

If you have spent time (or just curious) about marketing online, then the issue of search engine optimization (SEO) usually is. And no discussion of any search engine these days is complete without a mention of Google. This article provides a brief description of how the Google search results rows with a look at their PageRank ™ algorithm (a key component). I am not an expert in search engine (which is bad news). The good news is that we know enough to describe Google PageRank in relatively simple terms (for example, you can impress your friends and family with their new knowledge).Quick Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Simply put, SEO is the process of optimizing your website for search engines (like Google). By "optimizing", I mean to try to do so that searches for specific phrases rank your website higher in search results on other websites. There are plenty of good reasons to want to rank higher, but for businesses, the main reason is to generate good leads for your offer. Millions of people use Google every day looking for a product, service or information. Some of these people could be potential customers looking for their particular offering. There are two ways for you to appear on the results page when users are doing a search. The first is paid advertising (talk about this in a future article) and the second is what is known as "organic" (or "natural") search. The natural search results are listed free and depend on the estimation of Google in a relevant and credible website. The natural search results are my favorite kind because it does not have to pay money for them, and often works better than paid advertising. I compare this to the difference between getting mentioned in a magazine article and purchasing an ad in the journal itself.If you can rank high in search results free (organic) Google is like having tens of thousands of dollars of free advertising in professional journals relevant to your industry, every time a new issue comes out. Not sure about you, but that's pretty interesting to me. It is a good way to grow your business and find new clientes.Así that, how do you get all this free advertising and effective search engines? Well, you need to understand the Google algorithm and how it determines who gets the list.The Google search algorithmFirst, we will establish a simple example we can use to frame the discussion. Suppose you are a partner in a boutique strategy consulting firm. Lets also say that their expertise is advising technical founders of high growth, venture-backed companies to be on top in the sale. Now, you could probably identify a number of search phrases that your prospects can use when you are interested in this particular issue. Users can search something like "technical sales consultant to founder." Or, you can simply start looking for content (rather than consulting) and search for "technical sell successful." In any case, Google has an algorithm that realizes that the websites of hundreds of millions of people should not appear in order of importance to the results page. These are the organic (ie unpaid) results. You want to rank high in the results. [Author's note: If you actually Google search on "successful technical selling", you will find that my blog ranks OnStartups.com # 1].Although Google's algorithm is extremely sophisticated, which is reduced to something like this:Search Ranking = Relevance * PageRankRelevance is basically the extent of your website (or more precisely one of their websites) matches the search phrase the user typed. Measuring relevance is a relatively sophisticated, but it comes down to some of the basics like page title, the words on the page and how often they occur, etc. So, if your home page has things "sales techniques", which promotes the importance of this particular search. The reason lies in the post of my blog article # 1 in Google for "successful technical selling" is in large part by the title of one of my articles ("Successful Selling Tips for technically gifted"). Basically, Google is aware of what your page is "about" looking at its content (and looking at other sites with similar content that links to yours). It then uses this to know how relevant a particular search phrase.PageRank is an independent measure of Google's perception of the quality / authority / credibility of an individual website. Do not depend on any particular search phrase. For the public (you and me), Google conveniently reports as a number of 0-10 (10 being the best). So, assuming for a moment that your website and your competitors website is mismarelevancia - then whoever has the higher PageRank gets the best ranking - and shown on the top of the results page. This is why PageRank is so important. Its importance lies in its content (if you're a consulting firm specializing in technical sales, its relevance for searches stainless steel wrench is going to be understandably low). Your PageRank is what counts.How is PageRankMuch has been written and much debate on the Google PageRank, but at one point, a near unanimous agreement. PageRank is determined mainly by the amount of other websites are linking to you. Google believes this type of input link a vote of confidence. But here's the catch: Not all inbound links are created equal. Websites with more credibility that link to you have more "value" to your PageRank than those with less credibility. How is credibility? Why, for their PageRank, of course! So let's take an example. Say you have your Uncle Charlie link to you from your blog to your small business website. Let's also say that Uncle Charlie's blog has a Page Rank of 3 (this is being a little generous because all Uncle Charlie is written about his dog Sparky and limited inbound links). This link from Uncle Charlie will certainly help - a little. It will help more if you can find 100 websites like Uncle Charlie with a PageRank of 3 and have them link to you.However, if you receive a unique link only HubSpot.com (the sponsor of this blog), it will help more than 100 websites Uncle Charlie. Why? Because HubSpot.com has a PageRank of 6 and a link of it is much more valuable. I split PageRank into these broad categories:0-3: New sites or sites with very minimal links4-5: Popular sites with a good amount of inbound links6: popular sites that have hundreds of links, many of them quality links07/10: Usually media brands (NYTimes.com), big companies or A-list bloggers. 

Now, it is important to note that PageRank is believed to be calculated on a logarithmic scale. What this means is that more or less the difference between PR4 and PR5 is likely 5-10 times that the difference between PR3 and PR4. Therefore, it is likely more than 100 times as many websites with a PageRank of 2 than there is with a PageRank of 4. This means that if you get to a PageRank of 6 or less, most likely well in 0.1% of all websites out there. If most of your peer group is messed around with a PR2 or PR3, which is well ahead of the game. 
What is your PageRank?
There are two ways to find out what your PageRank is approximate. One of them, you can download the Google Toolbar (the PageRank feature is not enabled by default, so you would have to allow later installation).The other way is to use our immensely popular (and free) Website Grader tool. Not only do you say to your Google PageRank, but a lot of interesting things.Quick summary: organic search is like free advertising. Worth the investment to try to get a high ranking in major search engines. Senior you must do two things: First, make sure your site has the right content relevant to the types of searches for your potential customers are doing. Second, try to get the highest PageRank possible. To do this, you need to get as many inbound links from many high PageRank web pages possible.
More aboutThe importance of Google PageRank: A Guide for Small Business Executives